Analog Artist with HSPICE
This tutorial will introduce you to the Cadence Environment: specifically Composer, Analog Artist and the Results Browser. It will also show you how to use the simulator HSPICE in stand-alone mode to make certain parts of your design exploration easier.
ECE 546Students: This tutorial is currently under construction. It is designed to introduce you to the tools we will use in class.
Proficient use of Cadence and Hspice will allow you to complete the projects and homework quickly, and will make the class more fun. Practice is really the only way to achieve such proficiency. There are probably an infinite number of tricks and short-cuts to make the design process easier, or at least enough to fill a small book. No tricks or short-cuts are covered in this tutorial and it will be up to you learn more about the tool and how you can use it better for your needs.
Lastly, the screen-shots in this tutorial may vary slightly from what you will see. Refer to the text next to the screen-shot for up-to-date information. Note also that some screen-shots have been shrunk to make the page more readable. In this case, please click on the image to view its wiki-page, and click on the image again to download the full-size image.
- 1 Create Aliases to Setup Your Environment
- 2 Start the Cadence Design Framework
- 3 Create the myInverter Schematic
- 4 Simulate the Schematic with HSPICE within Analog Artist
- 5 Simulate the Schematic with HSPICE in standalone mode
Create Aliases to Setup Your Environment
Before you start this tutorial, add the following line to the .mybashrc file in your home directory:
alias setup_freepdk15=’source /afs/eos/lockers/research/ece/wdavis/tech/FreePDK15/cdslib/setup/’
The line defines an alias that gives a command to setup your environment to use the FreePDK15 design-kit with the Cadence tools. You can set up other design-kits with other commands (such as “add cadence_cdk”, which sets up the Cadence Design Kit for the MOSIS technologies).
Before moving on, either source your .mybashrc file or log out and log back in.
Note to users outside NCSU: The scripts mentioned above is provided in $PDK_DIR/cdslib/setup/
Start the Cadence Design Framework
- Log in to a Linux machine. The setup for this tutorial is currently supported only on Linux machines.
- Create a directory to run this tutorial, called something like “adetut” (for Analog Design Environment Tutorial). Change to this directory.
- Type “add cadence2016” at the command prompt. This will add the Virtuoso tools to your search path.
- Type “add synopsys2015” at the command prompt. This will add Synopsys HSPICE to your search path.
- Type “setup_freepdk15” at the command prompt. This will setup your directory by copying in various files that are needed to run the Cadence tools, including .cdsinit, lib.defs, and cds.lib. It will also define environment variables needed by the HSPICE libraries.
- Start the Cadence Design Framework by typing “virtuoso &” at the command prompt.
$ mkdir adetut
$ cd adetut
$ add cadence2016
$ add synopsys2015
$ setup_freepdk15
$ virtuoso &
The first window that appears is called the CIW (Command Interpreter Window).

Another window that is very handy is the Library Manager, which allows you to browse the available libraries and create your own. To display this window, choose Tools -> Library Manager… from the CIW Menu.

Create the myInverter Schematic
In the Library Manager, create new library called ADETutorial. Select File->New->Library. This will open new dialog window, in which you need to enter the name and directory for your library. By default, the library will be created in the current directory. After you fill out the form, it should look something like this:

Click OK. Next, you will see a window asking you what technology you would like to attach to this library. Select “Attach to an existing technology library” and click OK. In the next window, select “NCSU_TechLib_FreePDK15”.

You should see the library “ADETutorial” appear in the Library Manager.

Next, select the library you just created in the Library Manager and select File->New->Cell View…. We will create a schematic view of an inverter cell. Simply type in “myInverter” under cell-name and “schematic” under view. Click OK or hit “Enter”. Note that the “Application” is automatically set to “Schematics L”, the schematic editor.

Alternatively, you can select the “Schematics L” tool, instead of typing out the view name. This will automatically set the view name to “schematic”.
Click Ok. You may see the following window. Simply click “Yes” or “Always” to ignore this warning.

After you hit “Yes” or “Always”, the blank Composer screen will appear. The image below shows the final schematic that we will make in this tutorial.

To generate a schematic like this, you will need to go through the following steps:
From the Schematic Window, choose Create->Instance…. The Add Instance, dialog will appear.

We will place the following instances in the Schematic Window as instructed below:
Description | Library | Cell | View |
NMOS Transistor | NCSU_TechLib_FreePDK15 | nmos | symbol |
PMOS Transistor | NCSU_TechLib_FreePDK15 | pmos | symbol |
Supply Nets | analogLib | vdd, gnd | symbol |
Voltage_Sources | analogLib | vdc, vpulse | symbol |
Passive Elements | analogLib | cap | symbol |
Note: pay special attention to the parameters specified in vdc, vpulse, and cap. These parameters are very important in simulation.
Place pmos instance
In the Add Instance window, select the pmos cell from the library NCSU_TechLib_FreePDK15. You may either type the values in or click Browse and find them in the Library Manager. After you select the cell, the “Add Instance” dialog will change to show the options for this cell. Note that most parameters are filled in automatically. The most important one for our purposes is “Number of Fins”, which is set to 2 by default. The “Width” and “Length” fields are left blank, because they are not needed by the BSIM-CMG transistor model that we will be using. Place the PMOS cell in the Schematic Window

Place nmos instance
Next, in the Add Instance window, select the nmos cell from the library NCSU_TechLib_FreePDK15. Ensure that “Number of Fins” is set to 2. Place the cell in the Schematic Window

Place gnd and vdd instances
Next, from the analogLib library, place intances of gnd and vdd in the Schematic Window.
Place vdc instance
Next, from the analogLib library, select vdc symbol. In the DC voltage field, enter 0.8. Note that the “V” will be inserted automatically. Place it in the Schematic Window.

Place vpulse instance
Next, from the analogLib library, select vpulse symbol. Enter the following values in the form:
Voltage 1: | 0 V |
Volrage 2: | 0.8 V |
Delay Time: | 0 s |
Rise Time: | 1p s |
Fall Time: | 1p s |
Pulse Width: | 9p s |
Period: | 20p s |
Place it in the Schematic Window.

Place cap instance
Next, from the analogLib library, select cap symbol. Enter “1f” in the Capacitance field. Note that the “F” will be filled in automatically. Place the instance in the Schematic Window.

Place OUT pin
- From the Schematic Window menu, select Create -> Pin…
- In the Pin Names field , enter OUT
- In the Direction field, select output
- Place it in the Schematic Window

Place wires
- In the Schematic Window menu, select Create -> Wire (narrow)
- Place the wire to connect all the instances
- Select File -> Check and Save.
Look at the CIW. You should see a message that says:
Extracting “myInverter schematic”
Schematic check completed with no errors.
“ADETutorial myInverter schematic” saved
If you do have some errors or warnings, the CIW will give a short explanation of what those errors are. Errors will also be marked on the schematic with a yellow or white box. Errors must be fixed for your circuit to simulate properly. When you find a warning, it is up to you to decide if you should fix it or not. The most common warnings occur when there is a floating node or when there are wires that cross but are not connected. Just be sure that you know what effect each of these warning will have on your circuit when you simulate.
Your schematic should look like the one shown below.

For more Information about Virtuoso
If you would like to learn more about the schematic editor, you can read through the Virtuoso Schematic Editor L User Guide that comes with the Cadence documentation. Start the documentation browser by typing
cdnshelp &
at the command prompt, and then selecting Virtuoso Schematic Editor->Virtuoso Schematic Editor L User Guide in the browser window that appears. This should display the pages that you select.
If you find that you cannot view the figures correctly in the web browser, you can browse to the documentation directory in…
…where you will find PDF files for all of these documents. The cdnshelp documentation browser offers many more links for you to learn about the Cadence Design Framework.
Simulate the Schematic with HSPICE within Analog Artist
Set up the Simulation Environment
You are now prepared to simulate your circuit.
From the Schematic Window menu, select Launch -> ADE L. You may get another message saying that the license need to be upgraded. Simply click “Yes” or “Always” to proceed. A window will pop-up. This window is the Analog Design Environment Window.

Choose a Simulator
From the Analog Artist menu, select Setup -> Simulator/Directory/Host. Enter the fields as shown below. Choose hspiceD as your simulator. Your simulation will run in the specified Project Directory. You may choose any valid pathname and filename that you like.

Generate the HSPICE Netlist
Next, generate the netlist with the following commands:
- From the ADE window menu, select Simulation -> Netlist -> Create. This will cause a window to open that displays the text of your netlist.
- In the netlist text window, choose File -> Save As. Enter the name “inv.sp”. The path is relative to the directory where you started Cadence.
Simulate the Schematic with HSPICE in standalone mode
We’ll now use the HSPICE simulator to analyze this circuit. This analysis can be done within Cadence, . However, it’s sometimes easier to do certain kinds of analysis manually in HSPCE than it is to figure out which Cadence menu option will give you the desired result.
We’ll start by adding the analysis and output options to the file inv.sp that you created in Virtuoso. Open up the file in your favorite text editor (a popular one is nedit). It should look something like the following:
** Generated for: hspiceD
** Generated on: Jan 6 22:31:25 2016
** Design library name: adetut
** Design cell name: inv
** Design view name: schematic
.GLOBAL vdd!
.TEMP 25.0
+ PSF=2
** Library name: adetut
** Cell name: inv
** View name: schematic
m0 out net10 0 0 nmos AD=608e-18 AS=608e-18 PD=168e-9 PS=168e-9 M=2
m1 out net10 vdd! vdd! pmos AD=608e-18 AS=608e-18 PD=168e-9 PS=168e-9 M=2
v0 vdd! 0 DC=800e-3
v1 net10 0 PULSE 0 800e-3 0 1e-12 1e-12 9e-12 20e-12
c0 out 0 1e-15
This file looks a lot more complicated than it should be. The act of using the Analog Environment to create the netlist placed many comments in the file that make it look more cluttered. There are several important things to note about this netlist:
- Hspice code will always interpret the first line of the file as a comment. Make sure that the first line of your code IS a comment, because if the first line is part of the code for your circuit, it will not be read correctly.
- Note the “.END” statement at the end of the file. Your file will not finish execution if you do not have this “.END” statement at the end of the code.
Modify the Netlist for a Transient Simulation
We will make a couple of changes to this file to perform a transient simulation.
- Add the POST option to the “.OPTION” statement. This will ensure that all output variables are saved. This can lead to large files that exceed your disk-quota later in the semester, but it makes things easier for small circuits. (NOTE: Be sure to put the “POST” option at the end of the list. Putting it at the beginning gives an “unknown file error” when opening the output in the waveform viewer, for some unknown reason.) You may add it to the end of the line that reads “PSF=2”, or create a new line that begins with “+”. Note that the “+” character at the beginning of a line denotes a line continuation.
- Add a line that reads “.tran 0.1p 40p”. This will create a transient analysis that has a maximum time-step of 0.1ps and lasts 20ps.
- Add the following line to access the FreePDK45 transistor models:
.lib ‘$PDK_DIR/hspice/models/’ CMG
There’s one more change we need to make. Unfortunately, the Virtuoso HSPICE netlister does not yet support the parameters needed by the BSIM-CMG transistor model. In order to make the schematics work with the simulation, we have passed the important parameters (NFIN, ASEJ, ADEJ, PSEJ, and PDEJ) as old BSIM4 parameters (M, AS, AD, PS, and PD). We need to replace the occurrences of the old parameter names with the new parameter names before we proceed. We also need to replace the model names (nmos and pmos) with model names expected by our HSPICE models (nfet and pfet). Both of these can be done with the script provided in the FreePDK15. Once you have made the changes above and saved them in inv.sp, you can run this script with the command
$ python $PDK_DIR/hspice/examples/ < inv.sp >| inv-fix.sp
Running an Hspice simulation
Run HSPICE by typing the following command:
$ hspice inv-fix.sp |& tee inv-fix.lis
This will cause the output text to be saved in the inv-fix.lis file. In the event that you have an error with your simulation you will need to read through that output to find out what the error is. If your simulation ran without errors then your output should say:
>info: ***** hspice job concluded
If your simulation had errors it will look like this:
>error ***** hspice job aborted
For more information on how to use HSPICE, see the HSPICE Tips and documentation links on the ECE 546 course web-page.
Viewing your waveform
Once your simulation runs without errors, we can view the waveform that was generated. Hspice doesn’t have any built-in waveform viewer, so we will have to use the CosmosScope software package for that. In the same directory as your “inv-fix.sp” file, start CosmosScope.
% cscope &
- Within cscope, select File -> Open -> Plotfiles…, and open the “inv-fix.tr0” file. The output of transient analyses will have the extensions .tr0, .tr1, etc., depending on how many .alter statements you have in your file. We have no .alter statements, and so there is only one transient output. This should cause a window to appear labeled “(1) inv-fix.tr0”, in which you can browse the available signals in this file.
- Double click on the “v(net10)” entry in the signal window. Note that net10 is connected to the gates of the NMOS and PMOS transistors. It may be named differently in your simulation. This should cause a graph window to open, plotting the waveform of the input.
- Left-click on the “v(out)” entry in the signal window to select it. Then right-click in the graph window and choose “Plot”. This will plot both signals on the same graph, as shown below.

For more information on how to use CosmosScope, see the documentation links on the ECE 546 course web-page.
Modify the Netlist for a DC Simulation
We will make a couple of changes to this file to perform a DC simulation.
- Add a line that reads “.DC V1 lin 100 0 0.8”. This will create a DC analysis that sweeps voltage source V1 linearly from 0V to 0.8V with 100 points.
- Only one sweep is allowed, so we need to remove the .TRAN line, if it exists.
- Edit the “V1” line so that it reads simply “V1 net10 0 0” (where net10 is simply the name of the net connected to the output of V1… the name may be different for your design). The vpulse data on the line is unnecessary for a DC analysis.
- Remove the “C0” line. The capacitor is meaningless in a DC simulation.
After you make the changes, re-run the simulation.
Measure the Slope of the VTC
The DC simulation will produce an output file with a “.sw0” extension (for “sweep”). Open this file now in cscope and plot the v(out) signal. Because we swept Vin from 0 to 0.8 V, you should see a plot of Vout vs. Vin, which is the voltage transfer characteristic (VTC) of the inverter.
From here, you can select Tools->Measurement Tool to get a window called Measurement. In the Measurement window, choose Measurement->General->Slope and set the active graph and signal to the VTC that you just plotted. Finally, select Apply measurement to: Entire waveform and click Apply. You should see a cursor appear on the curve. Click and drag this cursor to pull it along the VTC and plot the slope value as it moves. When it gets close to -1, leave the cursor where it is and click Apply again. This will give you another cursor to find the second point where the slope is -1. You may also click and drag the measurement value to make a more attractive plot.
You will also need to find the value of X at this point. To do that, select Measurement->General->At X in the Measurement window. Click Apply to get a cursor, and place the cursor directly over one of the two cursors you just placed. This second measurement give you the X & Y coordinates of the point. Click Apply a second time to get the X & Y coordinates of the second point. You can browse and delete measurements from the Measure Results window, which can be displayed by selecting Signal->Measure Results… in the main CosmosScope window.
ECE 546Students: The technique above is especially helpful when finding VIL and VIH for Homework #1.
To print out the waveform, the easiest thing to do is export the graph as a PostScript file and copy it to Windows for printing (with either Ghostscript or Microsoft Word). But first, you’ll need to change the color-map of the window. Otherwise, you’ll get a black background in your post-script file, which will use far too much toner when printing it out. To do this, right-click in the graph window and choose Colormap->Mono. If you want to change the line-style for different lines in order to differentiate them, right-click on the line in the legend and choose Style. Once the graph looks the way you like, choose File->Export Image… in the main CosmosScope window and set the file-type.